Advantages of ANT Cold Recycling Technology

Advantages ANT Cold Recycling
- Full safety of ANT stabilizer for nature and human.
- Reduction of the cost of road works due to the reduction in the materials used.
- Increase the strength of the new layer of the road foundation, and as a result increase the service life of the road.
- Reduction of the cost of production of asphalt mixture by more than 20%.
- Reducing timescales.
- It is possible to move the transport along a new base layer immediately after the end of its compaction. It is not required to shut down the traffic.
- To increase the strength of layer thickness of the new road bed and increase its strength, if necessary, it is possible to use waste from the stone chipping with fraction from 0mm to 40mm, as well as soft rocks such as limestone, dolomite, flask and others.
- The possibility of using various methods of construction work, as well as various sets of construction equipment.