
ANT Cold Recycling Technology

ANT cold recycling technology is widely used for road repair. The technology consists in using existing materials in the existing road to create a new base layer by the in-place stabilization method. Technology for green roads.

The method of road milling with recyclers produces a homogeneous material that is stabilized using various binding materials such as cement, lime, bitumen emulsions or foamed bitumen. The application of ANT cold recycling technology surfacing makes it possible to increase the strength of the road structure, reduce the cost of work road repair works, and shorten the time of production.

ANT-Engineering company brings to your attention its own technology of cold deep in-place recycling of road surfacing with the use of ANT soil stabilizer. The use of the ANT cold deep in-place recycling technology allows us to completely abandon the use of bituminous binders in the form of bitumen emulsions or foamed bitumen and reduce the rate of cement consumption by more than 50% or to completely abandon its use. At the same time, the stabilized milled mixture possesses higher physical and mechanical properties. You can also use the ANT stabilizer as an additive when building with bituminous binders, while reducing their consumption rate and increasing the physical and mechanical properties of the new road foundation.

ANT stabilizer does not belong with any of the existing types of soil stabilizers available in the world. It is a preparation of organic origin and is completely safe for nature and man. Its action is aimed at carrying out oxidation-reduction reactions in the milled material. As a result of this reaction, the surface of the milled asphalt particles is softened and new crystalline compounds are formed between the mineral particles of the stone materials. Due to this, you get a monolithic, durable material with high physical and mechanical properties.

The ANT stabilizer is added into the milled road material together with water. The recommended rate of consumption of the ANT stabilizer is 0.005% to 0.007% of the mass of the milled material. The required amount of water is calculated to achieve the optimum moisture index of the milled material during compaction. Most often, the optimum moisture content for compaction is 4% -5%.



Advantages of ANT Cold Recycling Technology​

ANT Cold Recycling Technology

Advantages ANT Cold Recycling

Variants of road construction works using ANT cold recycling technology.


The first method is to carry out the entire set of works directly on the road, without the removal of milled material.

The work is done with the use of recyclers equipped with a system of dosing water or bitumen emulsion into the rotor. The distribution of cement in the case of its use is made by cement distributors before the passage of the recycler. Further, the recycler mills at the calculated depth and doses the water solution of ANT stabilizer into the material.

Finished regenerated mixture is shaped by the grader and sealed with heavy rollers. For consolidation, it is recommended to use a set of rollers consisting of a soil compactor with a mass of not less than 15 tons and a pneumatic roller with a mass of not less than 20 tons. The compaction is produced in a static mode without the use of vibration compaction. When using this method of production of work during one working shift, cold deep in-place recycling is carried out from 2,000 m2 to 6,000 m2 of road surfacing.

The second method is the preparation of a cold regenerated mixture in mixer plants, such as continuous ground-batching plants, concrete-mixing plant or asphalt-mixing plants. The road is pre-milled by road cutters and the material is transported to a mixing plant. In the mixing plant, the water solution of the ANT stabilizer is dosed to the milled material. If necessary, cement is also added, in an amount of up to 2%, and scrap waste from stone or a weakly resistant stone.

The main element of the technology is ANT organic regenerator of asphaltic concrete preparation. It is produced by the method of catalysis of natural organic matter and is completely safe for man and nature.

ANT Pavement Stabilization Technology

ANT Stabilization technology is completely different from other world’s technologies of pavement stabilization for a number of factors.